Welcome to Kristen Alexander’s website.
Kristen is a writer, researcher, and bookseller. She loves afternoon tea served on fine china, cats, leaf tea, old movies, Canberra, jigsaw puzzles and her husband David (not necessarily in that order). Above all, Kristen is a passionate reader and loves writing about Australia’s aviation history.
In 2020, Kristen was awarded a PhD by UNSW Canberra for her thesis 'Emotions of Captivity: Australian Airmen Prisoners of Stalag Luft III and their Families'. She is the 2021 winner of the Australian War Memorial's Bryan Gandevia Prize for Australian military-medical history for her thesis.
Australian Eagles, her third book, was Highly Commended in the nonfiction category in the 2014 ACT Writing and Publishing Awards. Her fourth book, Australia's Few and the Battle of Britain, won the nonfiction category of the 2015 ACT Writing and Publishing Award. Her fifth book,Taking Flight: Lores Bonney's Extraordinary Flying Career, was highly commended in the nonfiction category of the 2017 ACT Writing and Publishing Award.
Stop Press: Her sixth book, Kriegies: the Australian Airmen of Stalag Luft III, published in June 2023, was awarded the Nonfiction (self-publishing category) in the ACT Literary Awards 2024 as well as the 2024 NSW Premier's History Awards, The Anzac Memorial Trustees Military History Prize.
Just follow the link to her contact page. http://www.kristenalexander.com.au/contact-us
PLEASE NOTE: The Ordering Page is no longer functional. Kristen's books are available for sale via Alexander Fax Booksellers, a military book specialist owned by herself and husband David. Please order via Alexander Fax Booksellers website. You can do this by going to the Book's Page or by going to www.alexanderfaxbooks.com.au and searching.